sierra college academic calendar

Are you a student at Sierra College? Do you want to stay on top of your game and never miss a deadline? If yes, then you need to know everything about the Sierra College Academic Calendar. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about this crucial document.

What is Sierra College Academic Calendar?

The Sierra College Academic Calendar is a document that outlines important dates and deadlines for students at Sierra College. It covers everything from the start and end dates of each semester to the dates of holidays, registration, and finals.
This document is crucial for students as it helps them plan their academic year and stay on top of deadlines. It provides students with a clear overview of what to expect each semester, making it easier for them to manage their time and prioritize their tasks.

How to Access the Sierra College Academic Calendar?

Accessing the Sierra College Academic Calendar is easy. You can find it on the Sierra College website by following these simple steps:
1. Go to the Sierra College website 2. Click on "Academics" from the menu 3. Select "Academic Calendar" from the drop-down menu
You will be redirected to the academic calendar page, where you can find all the important dates and deadlines for the current academic year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When Does the Sierra College Academic Year Start and End?

A: The Sierra College academic year typically starts in late August and ends in mid-May. However, the exact dates may vary depending on the semester.

Q: When is the Last Day to Add or Drop a Class?

A: The last day to add or drop a class depends on the semester. For the fall semester, the last day to add or drop a class is usually in early September, while for the spring semester, it is usually in late January.

Q: When are Final Exams Held?

A: Final exams are usually held during the last week of each semester. The exact dates and times of the exams are listed in the Sierra College Academic Calendar.


In conclusion, the Sierra College Academic Calendar is a crucial document for any student at Sierra College. It provides students with a clear overview of important dates and deadlines, making it easier for them to plan their academic year and prioritize their tasks. By accessing the academic calendar, students can stay on top of their game and never miss a deadline.